
Over the years, Ben has had no less than sixteen books dedicated to him. We can't help wondering if this is some kind of obscure world record! Anyway, just check below the covers for the dedications themselves!
1. "For Dave - With sincere thanks for the George G Gilman Appreciation Society"
2. "This one is for David Whitehead because he is keeping the faith"
3. "With thanks for all their efforts, this one is for Mike Stotter and Dave Whitehead -- a couple of desperadoes waiting for the train"
4. "Slingers of words and guns -- but mostly of enthusiasm -- for which we all thank them: Dave Whitehead and Mike Stotter. With friendship"
5. "Joint dedication between nine recipients"
6. "For David Whitehead (with great appreciation) and, as always, for Sharon and Lauren (with love)"
7. "For Cabeza Blanca -- David Whitehead to his friends, of whom I hope I am still one"
8. "With much respect, this book is dedicated to another writer of Westerns, David Whitehead"
9. "For Dave Whitehead and Ben Bridges and memories of Frontier City"
10. "For David Whitehead"
11. "For David, Matt and Ben -- A Great Guy! Muchas Gracias, Amigo!"
12. "For Sharon, Lauren and Lane with love, and for David and Janet Whitehead with appreciation for their friendship and invaluable assistance"
13. "For another 'Whitehead' -- David, one of the good guys"
14. "For David Whitehead"
15. "This one is for David Whitehead in appreciation of all the help and years of friendship. I'd ride the river with you any day."
16. "For Rupert Brooke, Steve Hayes and David Whitehead, all three of whom were born beneath an English sun."